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Result publicity of investment promotion documents of commercial retail resource project (phase 2 in 2024) in Tianjin Binhai Airport T2
2024/4/8 9:16:00



In March 2024, the second phase of the 2024 retail resource open investment project for Terminal T2 of Tianjin Binhai Airport has officially ended. Thank you to all respondents for their active participation in this investment promotion work. In the future, with the continuous development of Tianjin Airport, we believe we will welcome more opportunities for cooperation. Tianjin Airport will open its doors to businesses with cooperation intentions, and let us work together to promote the sustainable development of retail business at Tianjin Airport.

The information of the proposed contracting units for this investment project is now publicly announced as follows:



Proposed signing unit


Clothing and apparel

Guangzhou Florence Clothing Co., Ltd


Clothing and Apparel/Travel Luggage/Craft and Cultural Creation

Tianjin Binhai Longkeji Trading Co., Ltd


Clothing and Apparel/Travel Luggage/Craft and Cultural Creation

Tianjin Binhai Longkeji Trading Co., Ltd


Publicity period: April 8th, 2024- April 12th, 2024

During the public notice period, if you have any related questions, please consult the Retail Project Investment Working Group. If there are still objections, they can be reported to the supervisory committee. After the public notice period ends, if there are no objections, the proposed signing unit mentioned above will be determined as the signing unit.

Consultation hotline: 022-24906769, 022-24906796

Supervision Committee Phone: 13820223033

Supervision email: tjjcsmzs@cahs.com.cn

Beijing Capital Airport Trading Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch
April 8, 2024

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T1 & T2 & T3: 18800103131
Business Contact:
Mobile No.: 86-13911768044
Office Line: 86-10 – 6455 6195/6459 3726
Email: act_zhaoshang@163.com
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